Highlighted News
* The first IEEE Conference on Soft Robotics (Robosoft 2018) will be held on April 24-28, 2018
* Workshop attached to Robosoft 2018: “Soft-bodied structures in nature and robotics: towards new trends and opportunities” (April 24, Livorno, Italy)
* Workshop attached to Robosoft 2018: “Soft robotics at small scales: Robotic functionalities by soft and smart materials” (April 24, Livorno, Italy)
* February issue of Soft Robotics is already online
* Call for Papers: Special issue “Soft Robotics” in MDPI Biomimetics (Deadline: 30 April 2018)
New Videos
* 4 Awesome Advancements In Robotics (Jan. 2018)
* Artificial muscles are becoming more human-like (Jan. 2018)
* An active compliant impact protection system for humanoids: Application to WALK-MAN hands (Jan. 2018)
* The walking, jumping, swimming milli-bot (Feb. 2018)
Published Journal Articles
* Related review / editorial:
- Cutting the cord – editorial (Nature Electronics, Jan. 2018)
- Untethered soft robotics (Nature Electronics, Jan. 2018)
- Controllable and reversible tuning of material rigidity for robot applications (Materials Today, Feb. 2018)
* Soft arm, manipulation, grasping:
- Topology optimized design, fabrication and characterization of a soft cable-driven gripper (IEEE RA-L, Jan. 2018)
- 3D-printable thermoactive helical interface with decentralized morphological stiffness control for continuum manipulators (IEEE RA-L, Feb 2018)
* Soft locomotion, compliant locomotion:
- Accelerating fishes increase propulsive efficiency by modulating vortex ring geometry (Proc Natl Acad Sc, Dec. 2017)
- Inversion of friction anisotropy in a bio-inspired asymmetrically structured surface (J. Royal Soc. Interface, Jan. 2018)
- Small-scale soft-bodied robot with multimodal locomotion (Nature, Jan. 2018)
- Locomotion of a bioinspired flyer powered by one pair of pitching foils (Phys. Rev. Fluids, Jan 2018)
* Soft sensing, artificial skin, electronic skin:
- Directly printable flexible strain sensors for bending and contact feedback of soft actuators (Front. Robot. AI, Feb. 2018)
* Soft actuator, flexible actuator, compliant actuator:
- Soft humanoid motor learning (Science Robotics, Dec. 2017)
- Nonlinear dynamical Model of a soft viscoelastic dielectric elastomer (Phys. Rev. Applied, Dec. 2017)
- Hydraulically amplified self-healing electrostatic actuators with muscle-like performance (Science, Jan 2018)
- Peano-HASEL actuators: Muscle-mimetic, electrohydraulic transducers that linearly contract on activation (Science Robotics, Jan. 2018)
- Energetic analysis and optimization of a MACCEPA actuator in an ankle prosthesis (Autonomous Robots, Jan. 2018)
- A rationale for acceleration feedback in force control of series elastic actuators (IEEE Trans. Robot., Jan. 2018)
- Micro 3D printing of a temperature-responsive hydrogel using projection micro-stereolithography (Scie. Rep., Jan 2018)
- Understanding environment-adaptive force control of series elastic actuators (IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatronics, Feb. 2018)
* Soft robot application:
- A variable stiffness robotic probe for soft tissue palpation (IEEE RA-L, Jan 2018)
- Biomechanical mechanisms underlying exosuit-induced improvements in walking economy after stroke (Journal of Experimental Biology, Jan. 2018)
* Morphological computation, morphological change, self-organization:
- Infrared actuation-induced simultaneous reconfiguration of surface color and morphology for soft robotics (Sci. Rep., Dec. 2017)
- The complexity of folding self-folding origami (Phys. Rev. X, Dec, 2017)
- Multi-armed droplets as shape-changing protocells (Artif. Life, Jan. 2018)
Popular Articles
- Minimally actuated robot arm has lots of joints, just one clever motor (IEEE Spectrum, Dec. 2017)
- Soft robotic muscle may lead to lifelike robots (ASME, Dec. 2017)
- This stick-on biosensor monitors blood sugar – No needle necessary (Gizmodo, Dec. 2017)
- Flexible system-on-chip may expand IoT reach (Electronics 360, Dec. 2017)
- Watch this wearable electronic skin control virtual objects (Science-Technology, Jan. 2018)
- Flexible, high-performance solar cells could become portable power sources (New Electronics, Jan 2018)