Highlighted News
* Call for papers: “Living Buildings: Bio-Inspired and Robotized Intelligent Architectures”
To be published in:
-Frontiers in Robotics and AI (Bionics and Biomimetics)
-Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (Bionics and Biomimetics)
Submission Deadlines: 30 June 2016 (Abstract), 31 October 2016 (Manuscript)
For further information, please refer to here.
* Soft Robotics Week 2016
Theme: “Trends, Applications and Challenges for Soft Robots”
Date: April 25 – 30, 2016
Location: Livorno, Italy
Featured events:
– RoboSoft Spring School – April 25-29, 2016
– RoboSoft Plenary Meeting – April 27-28, 2016
– RoboSoft Grand Challenge – April 29-30, 2016
The website is here.
New Videos
* Octopus-inspired robots can grasp, crawl, and swim
* Super-stretchy robot skin changes brightness as it bends
* Stable grip control on soft objects with time varying stiffness
Published Journal Articles
* Soft arm, manipulation, grasping:
- Enhancement of finger motion range with compliant anthropomorphic joint design (Bioinspir. Biomim., Feb 2016)
- Hybrid motion/force control of multi-backbone continuum robots (Int. J. Robot. Res., March 2016)
- A soft modular manipulator for minimally invasive surgery: Design and characterization of a single module (IEEE T. Robot, Feb. 2016)
* Soft locomotion, compliant locomotion:
- Structured light enables biomimetic swimming and versatile locomotion of photoresponsive soft microrobots (Nature Materials, Feb, 2016)
- Cockroaches inspire robot (Nature – Research Highlights, Feb, 2016)
- A Non-Newtonian fluid robot (Artificial Life, Feb. 2016)
* Soft sensing, artificial skin, electronic skin:
- A soft compressive sensor using dielectric elastomers (Smart Mater. Struct., Feb. 2016)
- Highly stretchable electroluminescent skin for optical signaling and tactile sensing (Science, March 2016)
- Multi-axis soft sensors based on dielectric elastomer (Soft Robotics, March 2016)
* Soft actuator, flexible actuator, compliant actuator:
- Softworms: the design and control of non-pneumatic, 3D-printed, deformable robots (Bioinspir. Biomim., March 2016)
* Soft robot application:
- The first interlaced continuum robot, devised to intrinsically follow the leader (PLOS ONE, Feb 2016)
- Artificial muscles for jaw movements (Extreme Mechanics Letters, March 2016)
- Rehabilitative soft exoskeleton for rodents (IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehab. Eng., March 2016)
* Morphological computation, morphological change, self-organization:
- Hydrogel composites: Shaped after print (Nature Materials, March 2016)
- Biomimetic 4D printing (Nature Material, Apr 2016)
- Shape-shifting droplet networks (Phys. Rev. Lett., Mar. 2016)
* Biological and physical studies:
- Electrostatics-driven hierarchical buckling of charged flexible ribbons (Phys. Rev. Lett., Apr. 2016)
- Knots as topological order parameter for semi-flexible polymers (Phys. Rev. Lett., Mar. 2016)
- What determines the static force chains in stressed granular media? (Phys. Rev. Lett., Feb. 2016)
Popular Articles
- Meet the soft, cuddly robots of the future (Nature – News, Feb. 2016)
- Doctors 3D-print ‘living’ body parts (BBC News, Feb. 2016)
- Why is it so hard to squash a cockroach (Science – News, Feb 2016)
- Low-cost “Paper Skin” boasts same sensory functions as the real thing (Gizmag.com, Feb. 2016)
- Paper skin mimics the real thing (IEEE Spectrum, Feb. 2016)
- Microrobotics: Swimmers by design (Nature – News & Views, March 2016)
- Are you ready for soft, morphing, crawling robots with glowing skin displays? (KurzweilAI, March 2016)
- A morphing metal for soft robots and other machines (KurzweilAI, March 2016)
- A wearable graphene-based biomedical device to monitor and treat diabetes (KurzweilAI, March 2016)
- Light-up skin stretches boundaries of robotics (Phys.org, March 2016)
- Researchers develop stretchy, radar-cloaking skin (Csmonitor.com, March 2016)
- Now that’s a real SHAPE-SHIFTER: Material that can change size, volume and stiffness could lead to ‘reprogrammable’ buildings (Dailymail.co.uk, March 2016)
- Robot 3D printed in solid and liquid at the same time (Cnet.com, April 2016)