May 2015

Highlighted News

*  International workshop on “Novel biomimetic models: materials, soft robots and artificial intelligence”, in the Cephalopod International Advisory Council (CIAC2015), Hakodate, Japan, November 8-9, 2015.

Special section on octopus-inspired robotics in Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, June 2015

New Videos

* ASF – Adaptive Solar Facade: a dynamic facade of thin film photovoltaic modules with soft pneumatic actuators for solar tracking and daylight control

Published Journal Articles

* Soft arm, manipulation, grasping:

* Soft locomotion, compliant locomotion:

* Soft robot fabrication, growing robot:

* Soft actuator, flexible actuator, compliant actuator:

* Soft robot application:

* Morphological computation, morphological change, self-organization:

* Biological studies:

* Related review:

Conference and Workshop Papers (IEEE ICRA 2015)

Popular Articles


* Soft robotics – Transferring theory to application: Overview of current developments in the emerging field of soft robotics. The table of content can be downloaded from here.