New Videos
* Musculoskeletal robot driven by multifilament muscles
* Genetically engineered rat cells make this robot stingray swim
* Artificial evolution of growing soft creatures. The related publication can be found here.
* Evolving swimming soft-bodied creatures. The related publication can be found here.
Published Journal Articles
* Related review:
- Adaptation of sensor morphology: an integrative view of perception from biologically inspired robotics perspective (Interface Focus, June 2016)
* Soft arm, manipulation, grasping:
- A novel 4-DOF origami grasper with an SMA-actuation system for minimally invasive surgery (IEEE Trans. Robot., June 2016)
- Stable grip control on soft objects with time-varying stiffness (IEEE Trans. Robot., June 2016)
* Soft locomotion, compliant locomotion:
- Phototactic guidance of a tissue-engineered soft-robotic ray (Science, July 2016)
- Soft wheels make robots tough (Nature-Robotics, July 2016)
- Poincaré’s equations for cosserat media: Application to shells (Journal of Nonlinear Science, July 2016)
- Design and locomotion control of a soft robot using friction manipulation and motor–tendon actuation (IEEE Trans. Robot., August 2016)
* Soft sensing, artificial skin, electronic skin:
- Biomedical materials: A restorative synthetic skin (Nature Materials, July 2016)
* Soft actuator, flexible actuator, compliant actuator:
- Programming complex shapes in thin nematic elastomer and glass sheets (Phys. Rev. E, Jun. 2016)
- Toward self-healing actuators: A preliminary concept (IEEE Trans. Robot., June 2016)
- Open-loop control of creep and vibration in dielectric elastomer actuators with phenomenological models (IEEE Trans. Mechatronics. , July 2016)
* Morphological computation, morphological change, self-organization:
- Artificial metamorphosis: Evolutionary design of transforming, soft-bodied robots (Artificial Life, August 2016)
Conference Articles
- A biologically inspired multimodal whisker follicle (IEEE SMC)
- Sensorized soft robotic glove for continuous passive motion therapy (IEEE BioRob)
- Development of a novel soft-and-rigid hybrid actuator system for robotic applications (ASME 39th Mechanisms and Robotics Conf.)
Popular Articles
- Exoskin: a programmable hybrid shape-changing material (IEEE Spectrum, June 2016)
- New “Iron Man” special forces exoskeleton stops bullets with liquid armor (, June 2016)
- Squishy robots: Phase-changing material could allow even low-cost robots to switch between hard and soft states (Science Daily, July 2016)
- Artificial muscle for soft robotics: Low voltage, high hopes (, July 2016)
- The future of robotic surgery: Snake-like bots that glide into orifices (IEEE Spectrum, July 2016)
- Wheeled robot with soft rotary motors is 100% squishy (IEEE Spectrum, July 2016)
- Stryker launches SonicAnchor extremity fixation anchor (, July 2016)
- Natural scale caterpillar soft robot is powered and controlled with light (, August 2016)
- Stretchable touch pad could become wearable touch screen (IEEE Spectrum, August 2016)
- Battery-free wearable patch can help monitor health (IEEE Spectrum, August 2016)
- Science gels with healthcare (, August 2016)
- Pill robot is coming (, August 2016)