November 2015

Highlighted News

*  The 40th ASME Mechanisms and Robotics (MR) conference

The ASME Mechanisms and Robotics community is inviting papers in the upcoming areas in soft-, flexible- and human-safe robot, reconfigurable mechanisms and robots, origami-based mechanisms and robots, rehabilitation and medical robots, and exoskeleton/prostheses design and development for the 40th ASME Mechanisms and Robotics (MR) conference, to be held as part of the 2016 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE) in Charlotte, NC from August 21-24, 2016.

ABSTRACT DUE: FEBRUARY 2, 2016. FINAL DRAFT PAPER DUE: FEBRUARY 16, 2016. For more information, please see here.

* The Journal Soft Robotics: Call for Paper

Special Issue on Soft Robotics: The Path Ahead. Soft Robotics is publishing a special issue that will reflect on common threads that have appeared between very disparate approaches in soft robotics’ short history, and peer down the road to see what key milestones lie ahead.

Guest Editors: Joshua Schultz, The University of Tulsa; Michael T. Tolley, University of California, San Diego; Yiğit Mengüç, Oregon State University; Bram Vanderborght, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

DEADLINE FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION: FEBRUARY 12, 2016. Please address any questions to

* Post-Doctoral fellow and Research Assistant Positions in Soft Robotics (SUTD, Singapore)

The Bio-inspired Robotics & Design Laboratory at the Singapore University of Technology and Design invites applications for Research Assistant and Post-Doctoral Fellow positions in our Soft Robotics program. Candidates should have a keen interest in modelling and design as well as prior experience in any of the following areas: Bio-inspired Design, Multi-material Rapid Prototyping, Polymer Synthesis, Fluid Mechanics.

New Videos

Please see the Popular Articles section.

Published Journal Articles

* Soft arm, manipulation, grasping:

* Soft locomotion, compliant locomotion:

* Soft sensing, artificial skin, electronic skin:

* Soft adhesion:

* Soft actuator, flexible actuator, compliant actuator:

* Soft robot application:

* Morphological computation, morphological change, self-organization:

* Biological and physical studies:

Popular Articles