Highlighted News
* The number of the members of IEEE RAS TC on Soft Robotics is now above 500
New Videos
* Short introduction of self healing materials for soft robotic actuators
* Adaptive solar facade, more information can be found here
* Stretchable touch responsive dielectric elastomer actuator
Published Journal Articles
* Soft arm, manipulation, grasping:
- Microrobotic tentacles with spiral bending capability based on shape-engineered elastomeric microtubes (Sci. Rep., June 2015)
- Exploitation of environmental constraints in human and robotic grasping (Int. J. Robot. Res., June 2015)
* Soft locomotion, compliant locomotion:
- Structural dynamics of a pulsed-jet propulsion system for underwater soft robots (Int J Adv Robot Syst, June 2015)
- A 3D printed, functionally graded soft robot powered by combustion (Science, July 2015)
- Characterization of running with compliant curved legs (Bioinspir. Biomim., July 2015)
- Dynamics of underwater legged locomotion: modelling and experiments on an octopus-inspired robot (Bioinspir. Biomim., July 2015)
- Efficiency of fish propulsion (Bioinspir. Biomim., July 2015)
- A model of larval biomechanics reveals exploitable passive properties for efficient locomotion (Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, July 2015)
* Soft sensing, artificial skin, electronic skin:
- Breathable and stretchable temperature sensors inspired by skin (Sci. Rep., June 2015)
* Soft actuator, flexible actuator, compliant actuator:
- Development of a self-healing soft pneumatic actuator: a first concept (Bioinspir. Biomim., June 2015)
- Design of a compact bistable mechanism based on dielectric elastomer actuators (Meccanica, June 2015)
* Soft robot application:
- A multi-level control architecture for the bionic handling assistant (Advanced Robotics, July 2015)
* Morphological computation, morphological change, self-organization:
- Flexible flapping wings with self-organized microwrinkles (Bioinspir. Biomim., June 2015)
- Morphological evolution of physical robots through model-free phenotype development (PLoS ONE, July 205)
* Soft matter electronics, stretchable electronics:
- High-resolution, large-area fabrication of compliant electrodes via laser ablation for robust, stretchable dielectric elastomer actuators and sensors (Appl. Mater. Interfaces, July 2015)
- Feedforward deformation control of a dielectric elastomer actuator based on a nonlinear dynamic model (Appl. Phys. Lett., August 2015)
Popular Articles
- Octopus-inspired robot “hands” delicate enough to grasp a tomato (Robohub, June 2015)
- Micro-tentacles for tiny robots can handle delicate objects like blood vessels (KurzweilAI, June 2015)
- Cuttlefish camouflage inspires new shape-shifting materials (Scientific American, June 2015)
- Jellyfish “gooeyness” could be a model for self-healing robots (Scientific American, June 2015)
- Bouncing bots (Scientific American, July 2015)
- Extendable robot arms and exoskeletons could benefit from super-stretchy wire (Robohub, July 2015)
- Super-elastic conducting fibers for artificial muscles, sensors, capacitors (KurzweilAI, July 2015)
- Mother robots build children robots to experiment with artificial evolution (IEEE Spectrum, July 2015)
- Robots learn to evolve and improve (BBC, August 2015)