Highlighted News
* Video recordings of Soft Robotics Debate on “Bioinspired vs. Biohybrid Design”- RAS Soft Robotics Debate” (IEEE Robotics & Automation Society)
* April issue of Soft Robotics is already online
New Videos
* Robots that feel by seeing (Feb 2021)
* Free swimming of soft robot in deep sea at the depth of 3,224 m (Feb 2021)
* How a soft robot survived the deepest ocean on earth (March 2021)
* Insect-like robots (March 2021)
* Optimizing underwater soft robots with machine learning (April 21)
Published Journal
* Related view and review:
- Reality-assisted evolution of soft robots through large-scale physical experimentation: A review (Artif. Life, Feb 2021)
- Pneumatic soft robots take a step toward autonomy (Sci. Robot, Feb 2021)
- Soft robotic modeling and control: Bringing together articulated soft robots and soft-bodied robots (Int. J. Robot. Res., Feb 2021)
- Soft robot reaches the deepest part of the ocean (Nature, March 21)
- A review on self-healing polymers for soft robotics (Mater. Today, March 2021)
- Exploiting mechanical instabilities in soft robotics: Control, sensing, and actuation (Adv. Mater., March 2021)
* Soft arm, manipulation, grasping:
- Phase-relaxed-passive full state feedback gain limits for series elastic actuators (IEEE ASME Trans. Mechatron., Feb 2021)
- Closed-loop control of soft continuum manipulators under tip follower actuation (Int. J. Robot. Res., March 2021)
- Dynamic control of multisection three-dimensional continuum manipulators based on virtual discrete-jointed robot models (IEEE ASME Trans. Mechatron., April 2021)
* Soft locomotion, compliant locomotion:
- Electronics-free pneumatic circuits for controlling soft-legged robots (Sci. Robot, Feb 2021)
- Collision resilient insect-scale soft-actuated aerial robots with high agility (IEEE Trans. Robot., Feb 2021)
- Self-powered soft robot in the Mariana Trench (Nature, March 2021)
- A rhythmic activation mechanism for soft multi-legged robots (J. Intell. Robot. Syst., March 2021)
- Underwater maneuvering of robotic sheets through buoyancy-mediated active flutter (Sci. Robot, April 2021)
- Self-propelled hydrogels that glide on water (Sci. Robot, Apr 2021)
* Soft sensing, artificial skin, electronic skin:
- Soft magnetic skin for super-resolution tactile sensing with force self-decoupling (Sci. Robot, Feb 2021)
- Highly stretchable multilayer electronic circuits using biphasic gallium-indium (Nat. Mater., Feb 2021)
- Design, modeling, and control of a 3D printed monolithic soft robotic finger with embedded pneumatic sensing chambers (IEEE ASME Trans. Mechatron., April 2021)
* Soft actuator, flexible actuator, compliant actuator:
- Soft pumps for soft robots (Sci. Robot, Feb 21)
- Electrostatic bellow muscle actuators and energy harvesters that stack up (Sci. Robot, Feb 21)
- Electro-pneumatic pumps for soft robotics (Sci. Robot, Feb 21)
- Making bioinspired 3D-printed autonomic perspiring hydrogel actuators (Nat. Protoc., Feb 21)
- Customizing a self-healing soft pump for robot (Nat. Commun, April 2021)
- Programmable and reprocessable multifunctional elastomeric sheets for soft origami robots (Sci. Robot, April 21)
- Somatosensory actuator based on stretchable conductive photothermally responsive hydrogel (Sci. Robot, April 2021)
* Soft robot application:
- MAMMOBOT: A miniature steerable soft growing robot for early breast cancer detection (IEEE RA-L, March 2021)
- Integration of 3D printed flexible pressure sensors into physical interfaces for wearable robots (Sensors, March 2021)
- A tapered soft robotic oropharyngeal swab for throat testing: A new way to collect sputa samples (IEEE Robot. Autom. Mag., March 2021)
* Soft robot fabrication, embodied intelligence, morphological computation, morphological change:
- Power-efficient adaptive behavior through a shape-changing elastic robot (Adapt. Behav., March 2021)
- Silicone/epoxy hybrid resins with tunable mechanical and interfacial properties for additive manufacture of soft robots (Appl. Mater. Today, March 2021)
- Tactile compensation for artificial whiskered sensor system under critical change in morphology (IEEE RA-L, March 2021)
- Wet adhesion of soft curved interfaces with micro pattern (IEEE RA-L, March 2021)
- High–load capacity origami transformable wheel (Sci. Robot, Apr 21)
- Automated fiber embedding for soft mechatronic components (IEEE RA-L, April 2021)
- Robotic surfaces with reversible, spatiotemporal control for shape morphing and object manipulation (Sci. Robot, Apr 21)
- Biohybrid soft robots with self-stimulating skeletons (Sci. Robot, April 2021)
* Soft robot learning, modeling, control, state estimation:
- Learning human–environment interactions using conformal tactile textiles (Nat. Electron, March 21)
- A sliding-rod variable-strain model for concentric tube robots (IEEE RA-L, April 2021)
- Coupling numerical deformable models in global and reduced coordinates for the simulation of the direct and the inverse kinematics of soft robots (IEEE RA-L, April 2021)
Popular Articles
- This robot doesn’t need any electronics (ScienceDaily, Feb 2021)
- Can a robot operate effectively underwater? (USCViterbi, Feb 2021)
- Daily briefing: Soft swimming robot survives the Mariana Trench (Nature Briefing, March 2021)
- Electronic skin: from flexibility to a sense of touch (Nat Special Features, March 2021)
- Soft legged robot uses pneumatic circuitry to walk like a turtle (IEEE Spectrum, Feb 2021)
- Visible touch: How cameras can help robots feel (IEEE Spectrum, March 2021)
- Researchers’ algorithm designs soft robots that sense (PlantEngineering, March 2021)
- Soft robotic dragonfly signals environmental disruptions (Duke News, March 2021)