Highlighted News
* A special issue (At the frontiers of soft robotics: Lessons learnt from the RoboSoft Grand Challenge) with six articles is published in Frontiers in Robotics and AI journal
* A special issue (The Path Ahead) with seven articles is published in Soft Robotics journal
* Open postdoctoral position in The Swiss EPFL Reconfigurable Robotics Lab. For more information, please contact jamie.paik@epfl.ch
New Videos
* Variable stiffness fiber with self healing capability. The corresponding journal article can be find here.
Published Journal Articles
* Soft locomotion, compliant manipulation:
- Role of body stiffness in undulatory swimming: Insights from robotic and computational models (Phys. Rev. Fluids, Oct 2016)
* Morphological computation, morphological change, self-organization, evolutionary design:
- Partial redundancy and morphological homeostasis: Reliable development through overlapping mechanisms (Artif. Life., Nov 2016)
* Biological and physical studies:
- Photomotility of polymers (Nat. Commun., Nov 2016)
- Structure, biomimetics, and fluid dynamics of fish skin surfaces (Physical Review Fluids, Oct, 2016)
- Intrusion rheology in grains and other flowable materials (Nat. Mater., Oct 2016)
Books / Proceedings
- IROS 2016: Two workshops and several soft robotics related publications
- Data-driven bending angle prediction of soft pneumatic actuators with embedded flex sensors (IFAC-PapersOnLine)
Popular Articles
- Watch this very gentle robot pick out a ripe tomato (Motherboard, Dec. 2016)
- Rolex Laureate developing soft exosuit (MDDI, Nov 2016)
- “MADCAT” morphing flapless aircraft wings to be built by tiny robots (Cleantechnica, Nov 2016)
- 3D printing robots on demand (ASME.org, Oct 2016)