November 2014

Highlighted News

* IEEE ICRA 2015 Workshop on Soft robotics: Actuation, integration, and applications – Blending research perspectives for a leap forward in soft robotics technology

* Robosoft, a Coordination Action for soft robotics, was featured in the November 2014 edition of the Future & Emerging Technologies Newsletter

* Reminder – the current issue of Soft Robotics is already online:

New Videos

* Robot Startup Series #7: Interview with Soft Robotics’ Carl Vause 

* Coordinated and energy efficient hexapedal walking emerges from a neuromechanical controller which consists of a neural circuit and muscle-like mechanisms

Published Journal Articles

* Soft locomotion, compliant locomotion:

* Soft sensing, artificial skin, electronic skin:

* Soft human-robot interaction:

* Soft robot application:

* Morphological computation, morphological change, self-organization:

* Soft matter electronics, stretchable electronics:

* Biological studies:

Popular Articles


Opinions and outlooks on morphological computation:

  • Extracting the full power of morphological computation: Lessons from case studies of robots under decentralized control
  • A reservoir computing view of morphological computation
  • Deep into morphology: Emotions and functional structure
  • Zen, robotics and the art of pushing swing
  • A virtual material approach to morphological computation
  • A review of morphological computation from a perspective of heterarchy
  • Morphological computation and heuristic bio-robotics
  • Morphology: A concrete form of intelligence
  • Molecules and robots
  • Morphological computation: A perspective based on bacterial movement
  • Morphological computation with hydrostatic interaction between mechanosensory oscillators
  • Evolving morphological computation
  • A morphological viewpoint: Juxtaposition of design approaches for locomotion-rehabilitation robotics
  • Morphological computing and design
  • Morphological computation at the molecular scale
  • Morphological computation – A broad perspective
  • Trade-offs in exploiting body morphology for control: from simple bodies and model-based control to complex bodies with model-free distributed control schemes
  • Morphological control as guiding principle in physiology and medical applications
  • The morphological computation principles as a new paradigm for robotic design
  • Morphological computation – The body as a computational resource